I don’t write poetry often. But tonight I had haiku and tea with some friends.
There were four of us. We sat on a porch and the others started writing silently. Let me tell you it was exciting. But I had nothing. I looked around and found inspiration looking right at me.
So I wrote a series of four haiku. My friends liked them, so here they are:
Part I
Alice is staring.
What the hell does she want?
The same things I want.
Part II
Alice, by the way,
Is a dog, I should have said
In the first poem.
Part III
That one small detail
Makes a difference, I think,
In how you take it.
Part IV
What I’m saying is:
Apes like us, and dogs like her…
I think you get it.
Photo Credit: Andrew Ratto (CC BY 2.0)
1 comment
Chuck Cheesman
September 17, 2014 at 6:28 pmPoet Ted embarks
with verbal efficiency
upon his journey.