Welcome to the Half-Hearted Fanatic Privacy Policy. Here, we delve into our approach to handling your information, ensuring your privacy rights are respected in the digital wilderness.
Capitalized terms have specific meanings. Whether singular or plural, these definitions apply.
Your story unfolds with personally identifiable information, including but not limited to:
The cosmic ballet of Usage Data unfolds automatically as you engage with the Service:
It includes the rhythm of your Device’s Internet Protocol address, browser type, pages visited, and other diagnostic data.
When the adventure is on a mobile stage, we may collect additional information, such as your mobile device’s unique ID and operating system.
Your browser also whispers tales as you traverse our Service, revealing the secrets of your journey.
Enter the realm of Cookies and tracking technologies, shaping the destiny of your journey:
Cookies may be Persistent or Session, each with its own enchantment. Persistent Cookies linger even after you depart, while Session Cookies vanish with the closing of your web browser.
The Company weaves the threads of Personal Data for various purposes:
We may share these revelations in certain situations:
The Company holds your Personal Data as long as needed for the cosmic dance described in this Privacy Policy. Usage Data, a more transient essence, serves internal analysis, fortifying security, and enhancing Service functionality.
Your information embarks on journeys to the Company’s operating offices and other ethereal places. Your consent guides these travels, ensuring secure treatment aligned with this Privacy Policy.
You hold the power to delete or request assistance in removing the Personal Data we’ve gathered about you. Our Service provides tools for this mystical endeavor. Remember, though, some information may linger due to cosmic obligations.
In the grand cosmic play, if the Company engages in mergers or sales, your Personal Data may pirouette into different hands. Fear not, for notice precedes such transfers, and a new Privacy Policy takes the stage.
Under celestial circumstances, the Company may reveal your Personal Data if required by law or at the beckoning of public authorities.
The Company may unveil your Personal Data in good faith, to comply with laws, protect rights, prevent wrongdoing, ensure safety, or guard against legal perils.
While we wield commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, remember, no transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. The cosmic dance involves a degree of unpredictability.
Our Service is not a playground for those under 13. We do not knowingly collect the essence of anyone under this age. If you’re a guardian, and your young one inadvertently shares their essence, let us know. We shall take steps to remedy the cosmic imbalance.
Our Service may be a gateway to other realms. Clicking on third-party portals may transport you elsewhere. Take heed, for we cannot control nor assume responsibility for the arcane practices of these distant realms.
The cosmic dance evolves, and so may our Privacy Policy. We’ll send mystical whispers via email or prominent notices on the Service before changes take effect, ensuring you’re prepared for the next act.
Review this script periodically, for changes are effective when posted on this cosmic stage.
If you seek guidance on this mystical journey, visit our website: https://half-heartedfanatic.com/ted/
I'll email you when I post something new — and that's all. Promise.