A discussion on Newton’s apple incident and the laws of gravity leads (logically) to a pencil sketch of a daydreaming dog

A discussion on Newton’s apple incident and the laws of gravity leads (logically) to a pencil sketch of a daydreaming dog
Imagining my old dog Chamba at 31 is like erasing the last 18 years, and filling it all in with another life.
I’ve started to entertain girl at an Antananarivo pizzeria by drawing pictures on my tablet.
The kind of skinny dog who survives on scraps and garbage. Someone had given her a good portion of a fish, and life was good.
A long-winded story of a trip to Mahajanga with photos of a nasty hotel and, yes, lemurs — Coquerel’s sifakas.
I looked around and found inspiration looking right at me.
It’s the kind of silly song I wish I could write. If there’s a profound message in this song, it went right over my head.
Lamenting the loss of civil neighborly communication on our society, I volunteer to trespass.
The enduring grudge against Jane Fonda – expressed by Penn Jillette this time – reminds me a classic WWII cartoon.
August 1992 – How I came to adopt and name Chamba, and his relationship to previous dogs in my family. Includes pictures of Prado, Nicky, Laddie, and Chamba.
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