Even if it’s Joe Biden’s brain kept alive in a jar, I will support the Democratic candidate for President. That is preferable to Emperor Trump.

Even if it’s Joe Biden’s brain kept alive in a jar, I will support the Democratic candidate for President. That is preferable to Emperor Trump.
A white, pro-Trump, Christian conservative discovers her blind spot as a result George Floyd’s murder.
“Covid Organics” is the hydroxychloroquine of Madagascar; a COVID‑19 panacea promoted by the president. Possibly harmful.
I evaluated how well and how often Arizona officials suck up to Trump. And the winner is…
Insights into Trump that I gained by losing at Othello.
Observations from reviewing 11 years of sporadic personal blogging.
Everyone and everything is going to die unless a ragtag band of misfits can stop it. These heroes: Republicans.
Mike Beitiks’ hilarious platform touches my car-snubbing, earth-loving, peace-mongering heart.
Gun enthusiasts attempting to co-opt the spotlight of racial disparities.
My first post from Madagascar, and how I ended up here.
I'll email you when I post something new — and that's all. Promise.