My old boss Bob was a charming fraudster. My time working for him helps me see through Donald Trump and people like him.

My old boss Bob was a charming fraudster. My time working for him helps me see through Donald Trump and people like him.
My marginal doodles, animated by AI: A pissed-off bear, a three-eyed bon vivant, an angry schmo, a streaker.
In “Carey: Genesis of the Song,” My friend Cary Raditz transcends the cane-wielding character trapped in the Joni Mitchell song.
I don’t think any famous musician affected my life choices as much as Johnny Clegg
Stickers such as these were (and probably still are) often seen inside of taxis in Anglophone Cameroon.
A road trip across the western United States simultaneously following my antipodes across the Indian Ocean. Also: peach Jolly Rancher candy.
“The Princess with a Penchant for Whining” is more like it.
Join me on my quest for clothespins using the Malagasy phrase “Misy pince?”
The two boys were in an intense match. I thought of taking photo, but I didn’t want to distract them.
This wild-eyed guy locked eyes with me and put himself on a collision course.
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