Even if it’s Joe Biden’s brain kept alive in a jar, I will support the Democratic candidate for President. That is preferable to Emperor Trump.

Even if it’s Joe Biden’s brain kept alive in a jar, I will support the Democratic candidate for President. That is preferable to Emperor Trump.
I drew the snail, and then the snail drew me – into my persistent worries about right-wing extremists who want to ban books, and more.
The once and future irrelevant song about the American political climate. Do we still taste the same thing?
A white, pro-Trump, Christian conservative discovers her blind spot as a result George Floyd’s murder.
I evaluated how well and how often Arizona officials suck up to Trump. And the winner is…
I agree with the words in this stupid meme – in a way.
Insights into Trump that I gained by losing at Othello.
Go to sleep my baby. My political lullaby, conceived in 2013, relevant today. Listen to the song on SoundCloud.
Everyone and everything is going to die unless a ragtag band of misfits can stop it. These heroes: Republicans.
Mike Beitiks’ hilarious platform touches my car-snubbing, earth-loving, peace-mongering heart.
I'll email you when I post something new — and that's all. Promise.