I evaluated how well and how often Arizona officials suck up to Trump. And the winner is…
I evaluated how well and how often Arizona officials suck up to Trump. And the winner is…
My ten-year-old daughter had a bad day and wanted to vent about it. We ad-libbed a blues song.
A road trip across the western United States simultaneously following my antipodes across the Indian Ocean. Also: peach Jolly Rancher candy.
A song written and recorded in the Grand Canyon amid personal challenges.
Exploring the world of country music on my grandfather’s Silvertone 5017 Tube Radio. An unexpected journey challenging my musical snobbery with tunes from KAFF Country.
The third time David said, “once in a blue moon,” Coach Perkins reached the end of his indulgence for the two of us.
A young man makes a parkour leap over the patio fence, zigzags towards the door of the bar loudly announcing, “I need a booger wipe.”
Lamenting the loss of civil neighborly communication on our society, I volunteer to trespass.
The Hypocrite: Our healthy all-veggie patty w/cheese & bacon. Pine Mountain Cafe, Pulliam Airport, Flagstaff, AZ
Proving that food photography should be left to the professionals.
I'll email you when I post something new — and that's all. Promise.